is a name we give to the region of spacetime beyond which anything that drops into it can never come back out. Not even light itself. This is contrasted by a white hole, which literally pushes you away by spitting material at you. Credit: NASA
Creation of Supermassive Black Holes Evolution of two equal sized galaxies colliding and forming a massive cloud of gas that will collapse into black hole. Credit: Ohio State University
Black Hole connected to a theoretical White Hole. - If the theoretical science is correct, there are an infinite number of universes with same situations and different outcomes, do you believe?
the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions; where a small change at one place in a nonlinear system can result in large differences to a later state.
[S]eeing that Sun... set in the background of the very deep black and velvety cosmos, seeing--rather, knowing for sure--that there was a purposefulness of flow, of energy, of time, of space in the cosmos... On the return trip home, gazing through 240,000 miles of space toward the stars and the planet from which I had come, I suddenly experienced the universe as intelligent, loving, harmonious. ~ Edgar Mitchell ~